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Lake Canyon Elementary's Mission

The mission of Lake Canyon Elementary is to personalize the learning of each and every one of our 
students through the provision of a quality and meaningful educational experience built upon access
to unique and varied opportunities, especially for our students who normally would not have access
to these opportunities because of their socio-economic, limited English language, or disability status. 
As educators we know at the heart of creating sustainable academic achievement and ensuring the
civic, college and career readiness of our students, is the provision of a school culture where
engagement and opportunities are valued and maximized. This clear need of our students led to
Lake Canyon Elementary School’s administration, staff, and parents joining together to make
increased student engagement and opportunities a reality. We are providing varied opportunities,
both indoors and outdoors, for our students to discover and explore their areas of interest and
talent leading to the long term anticipated outcome of each and every student being ready for what
lies ahead on their journey of achieving civic, college and career readiness by the time they leave
high school.
     Lake Canyon students are assessed using classroom formative assessments, district benchmark 
assessments, and through the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress-NWEA) assessment each
Trimester.  The data from these assessments informs instruction, professional development for staff,
and personalized learning plans for each student. Changes and updates to student personalized
learning plan goals and actions are made regularly to meet the changing needs of students.  
Student and parent voice and choice are valued and included in the formation and implementation
of the student personalized learning plans. For example, each year our teachers, parents, and
students are surveyed using survey tools from both the Gallup organization and WestEd.
The results of these surveys inform the ongoing work around personalization which is implemented.
In addition, at Lake Canyon, there are purposeful supports in place, such as one on one and small
group access to a school social worker and counselor, to aid students and their parents in accessing
the varied opportunities available to them and participating in the goal and action setting of their
personalized learning plans.  These added supports assist students and their parents to overcome
potential hindrances to access of opportunities such as disability, limited English proficiency,
or socio-economic standing.  Lake Canyon educators also craft a yearly growth plan for themselves
in conjunction with school site administration.  Professional development is tailored to individual
educator growth goals.
     Innovative and personalized instruction of the adopted standards is implemented at
Lake Canyon and is informed by multiple measures and professional development in the latest
innovations and technology tools available. 
     There are a wide variety of over twenty innovative interest based after-school clubs on our
campus, each with a civic, college readiness or career focus. In addition, we have service
learning across every grade level, outdoor learning experiences, field trips, exciting all-school
assemblies with expert guest speakers, academic competition opportunities, and the
implementation of technology use through blended and flexible learning environments. Our school
has been recognized nationally and statewide for our wellness and civic learning initiatives.
 At Lake Canyon Elementary we provide a world-class educational experience where students are
engaged and informed, their interests, talents and strengths are valued, and knowledge of careers
and professions are emphasized.  Student success, achievement, and growth is regularly celebrated
as part of our school culture through weekly and trimester awards assemblies and
recognition programs. 
     Through our adopted model and practice of providing a strengths and interest based
personalized learning program with opportunities for all students which leads to civic, college and
career readiness, Lake Canyon Elementary has extended the LCAP goals of our district by
partnering with and receiving grant funding from local, regional, and national community
organizations and partners to provide and install a digital media lab, fitness track, extensive
outdoor learning centers and gardens, visual and performing arts programs, and technology
opportunities such as computer coding, programming, engineering, robotics and digital video
editing on our campus.  We have purposed that all students will have access to these varied
resources both during the school day and as part of our extensive extended day offerings
of clubs and service learning groups.  Essential materials and resources such as chromebooks,
Ipads, digital video recording and editing tools,sound systems, LCD projectors, art supplies,
musical instruments, performance costumes and sets, physical fitness and sports equipment, 
gardening equipment, and robotics equipment, etc. have been acquired through grant funding
and federal, state and local school funding.  Personalized learning plan goals and actions for
every learner prescribe and recommend access to these varied opportunities to support academic
growth, intrinsic engagement, and ultimately, college and career readiness.  This purposeful
personalized approach will benefit school-wide achievement as high levels of student engagement
and opportunities correlate to academic growth and civic responsibility.
     Administration, teachers, and staff are given access to facilitate and lead these various programs
and opportunities both during the school day and as part of our extensive extended day offering by
selecting their involvement based around their own areas of passion, strength, expertise, and interest.
Ongoing professional development is prioritized financially and provided such as release time,
conference attendance, provision of new technology tools, and coach support in order to ensure
knowledge and skills are current and maximized.